JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 7, 831 841
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.104
Dicca Brentazzoly Br Tarigan
Chrismis N. Ginting
Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution
University Prima Indonesia
e-mail: diccatari[email protected]
*Correspondence: diccatarigan98@gmail.com
Submitted: 29 January 2022, Revised: 06 February 2022, Accepted: 18 February 2022
Abstract. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been declared by WHO as a global pandemic
and in Indonesia it is declared as a type of disease that causes public health emergencies and non-
natural disasters, which is not only causing death but also cause significant economic losses, so it
is necessary to take steps to overcome it including prevention and control. This study aimed to
analyze the evaluation of the handling of Covid drugs at the Pharmacy Installation of the Royal
Prima Hospital in Medan during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This study used qualitative research
located at the Pharmacy Installation of RSU Royal Prima Medan during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
While The population in this study were 5 informants consisting of the Director of Medical Services,
Head of Pharmacy Installation at Royal Prima Hospital Medan, Head of Pharmacy Warehouse,
Pharmacist, and Assistant Pharmacist. In this study, the techniques used in data collection methods
were Direct Observation, In-Depth Interviews, and Document Literature. The data analysis method
was carried out by compiling, discussing, and evaluating the data and the results of
interviews/observations using the Triangulation Test. Based on results studies, this state has carried
out the process of procurement, receipt, storage, and distribution in the evaluation management
drug covid on installation Pharmacy at Hospital Royal Prima Medan during the COVID-19 pandemic
with supported with existence existing facilities and infrastructure and the number of available
human resources at Hospital Royal Prima Medan.
Keywords: COVID drug management; COVID -19; pharmacy.
Dicca Brentazzoly Br Tarigan, Chrismis N. Ginting, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution
| 832
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.104
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
has been declared by WHO as a global
pandemic and in Indonesia declared as a
type of disease that causes emergency
health Public as well as disaster non-
natural, which is not only causing death but
also cause big enough economic loss so, at
the beginning by 2020, 2019 Covid
infections will be problem world health.
Indonesia reports the case first on March 2,
2020. Case increases and spreads quickly
throughout Indonesia (Yusuf, Muzwardi, &
Syukri, 2021). Until 9 July 2020 the Ministry
of Health reported 70,736 cases confirmed
COVID-19 with 3,417 cases died (CFR 4.8%)
(Pan et al., 2022). The COVID-19 pandemic
has brought up a domino effect in many
line-lives of a global society. The spread of
the SARS-CoV-2 virus occurs very
exponentially and is impactful
simultaneously in a multidimensional
manner (nard-Moyon, Bianco, &
Kalantar-Zadeh, 2020); (Bang, Lee, Shin, &
Oh, 2021). Increase in total case progress
fast enough, and spread to various areas in
a short time. On 9 July 2020, WHO reported
11,84,226 cases confirmation with 545,481
deaths worldwide (Case Fatality Rate/CFR
Hospital is an institution service health
that organizes service health individuals by
plenary that provides service in inpatient,
outpatient, and emergency (Auliyah,
Nugrahartani, Kurniawati, & Zamroni,
2021); (Ferlie, Mcgivern, & FitzGerald,
2012). Hospital Royal Prima Medan is one
of the COVID-19 Hospital referrals in
Medan City that carry out handling COVID-
19 patients in Medan. Where pharmacy is
one of the units in the Hospital Royal Prima
Medan which has a role important in
handling COVID-19 patients receiving
treatment at Royal Prima Hospital Medan
(Wirani & Manurung, 2020).
Installation Pharmacy Hospital (IFRS) is
the only part of the hospital that is fully
responsible for the management of
pharmaceutical preparations and other
health supplies (Mauliana, Wiryanto, &
Harahap, 2020); (Alanazi, Al Rabiah, Gadi,
Househ, & Al Dosari, 2018), so that all drug
distribution is under the control of the
pharmacy installation in the hospital (1
door system) however in fact almost all
IFRS not yet implemented it (Salem,
Muntasir, Salesman, & Roga, 2020).
This study used qualitative research
located at the Pharmacy Installation of RSU
Royal Prima Medan during the COVID-19
Pandemic. While The population in this
study were 5 informants consisting of the
Director of Medical Services, Head of
Pharmacy Installation at Royal Prima
Hospital Medan, Head of Pharmacy
Warehouse, Pharmacist, and Assistant
Pharmacist. In this study, the techniques
used in data collection methods were
Direct Observation, In-Depth Interviews,
and Document Literature. The data analysis
method was carried out by compiling,
discussing, and evaluating the data and the
results of interviews/observations using the
Triangulation Test.
833 | Evaluation Of Covid Drugs Management in Pharmaceutical Installations Of Royal Prima
Hospital Medan During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Management Pharmacy (medicine) is
the process of using source power
pharmacy to reach purpose from
profession pharmacy through planning,
making decisions organizing, leadership,
and supervision (Moullin, Sabater-
Hernández, Fernandez-Llimos, & Benrimoj,
2013); (Lian, Ferris, & Brown, 2012).
Facilities and Equipment maintenance
Service Pharmacy at Hospital should be
supported by facilities and equipment that
meet the provisions and regulations of the
applicable pharmacy. The location should
be merged with hospital system service,
separated among facilities for maintenance
management, service direct to patient,
compounding, production, and laboratory
equipped quality handling waste.
Equipment needed accuracy measurement
should do calibration tools and the
calibration by periodically by hall testing
health or authorized institution. Equipment
should do maintenance, documented, as
well as evaluated periodically and
continuously (Suprapto & Sari, 2019).
According to (Pereira, Luiza, Campos, &
Chaves, 2021) gathering standard
procedure in service pharmacy as for
purpose service pharmacy is as follows: 1)
Guarantee quality, benefits, safety as well
as efficacy ready pharmaceuticals and tools
health; 2) Guarantee certainty law for power
health;3) Protect patients, community and
staff from use drugs that don't rational in
skeleton safety patients (patient safety) and
4) Reduce number error use medicine.
This study was done by that researcher
with in-depth interview informants as
A. Director of Medical Service
1. Procurement
What method is used in
procurement medicine?
The method permanent that we
used is an inventory pharmacy, so
there is buying drugs and there are
also drugs given from service
health. The drugs given from service
health cannot be for sale or cash. It
is given free according to what is
given from service health.
How do you determine the time
for medicine procurement?
The medicine procurement
needs to be calculated by section
pharmacy. There is a procedure
used to know the number of
medicines needed.
Do obstacles happen when you
do medicine procurement?
There are some obstacles, for
example, the stock of the drugs
running out at the moment the
covid patients are increasing
2. Reception
How is the medicine receipt and
inspection process?
Pharmacy fulfills all drug
requests from the rooms. Then, the
drugs are delivered from the
pharmacy room to room by hand.
The medicine is prepared inside and
then delivered outside every
Dicca Brentazzoly Br Tarigan, Chrismis N. Ginting, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution
3. Storage
How does the spatial
arrangement of medicine storage
It’s distinguished based on
the drug’s need and use. The place
and the inventory are the same, so
it is easy to take it.
What method do you use to
record the medicine stock?
There is no obstacle because, in
the room, we have information
about what drugs are proper and
improper for the patients. Due to
the prevention of misuse of
expensive drugs the nurses are
ordered to take a video while giving
the patients the drugs. It is an
effective way to manage the
medicine stock in order.
Are our facilities and
infrastructure capable of being
the places to store the medicines?
What difficulties happen when
organizing storage medicine?
4. Distribution
How does the medicine
Yes, it’s distinguished so that
easy to take it.
B. Head of Installation Pharmacy at
Royal Prima Medan Hospital
1. Procurement
What method is used in
procurement medicine?
Procurement is done based on
Covid disease and based on need. If
we accept a Covid patient, we have
to cure him based on determined
by the Health Ministry or WHO. We
estimate the drug use for 3 months
and we also forecast the rise of
patients. So that, we multiply the
number by 2 times. We have to
make PO quickly to manage the
uncertainty of Covid cases and the
internal problem of the drug
2. Reception
How is the medicine receipt and
inspection process?
Reception from the supplier
directly enters the warehouse from
the distributor. There are 2 times to
order, first 8 am to 2 pm and at 2
pm to 6 pm, received by warehouse
officer by SP (letter order), invoice,
no back, and expired note.
Has activity for the reception of
the drug supply already been
regulated by pharmacy rule?
What problems happen when you
receive medicine?
835 | Evaluation Of Covid Drugs Management in Pharmaceutical Installations Of Royal Prima
Hospital Medan During the COVID-19 Pandemic
3. Storage
How does the spatial
arrangement of medicine storage
It is set by The Health Ministry.
How do you store the medicine
Storage drugs are done for
stability, for example, covid drug
stored in the refrigerator, human
albumin at a temperature of 2-8
Other drugs are appropriate with
room temperature and a record use
What method do you use to
record the medicine stock?
We use stock cards.
Are drug storage facilities and
infrastructure adequate?
This Means the system no by
implemented standards
What happens when you store
We use one door system all.
There is still a human error but it is
much less and can be fixed.
4. Distribution
How does medicine distribute?
One Day Dose Distribution is for
one-day usage. It is requested by a
nurse, input (later one SPK) like
drugs, medical supplies, PPE
quantity by new needs given to
drugstore service. Then, solved
therapy is continued and given by a
nurse who stays. After that, it is
delivered and handed over to a
room officer. I manage the data
based on patients’ insurance, BPJS
later, non BPJS sooner.
C. Head of Pharmacy Warehouse of
Royal Prima Hospital, Medan
1. Procurement
What method is used in
procurement medicine?
Procurement is done even
though the patients are many or a
few. There is a FIFO system and it is
based on conditions in the field.
Do the drugs that have been
ordered or purchased
immediately arrive on time?
Yes, it comes every day. It is
started at 8 am until 2 pm. There are
2 trips at 8 am - 2 pm on the first
trip, and 2 pm - 5 pm on the second
What are the problems when
doing medicine procurement?
2. Reception
How is the medicine receipt and
inspection process?
The acceptance process based
on PO is published by the
Dicca Brentazzoly Br Tarigan, Chrismis N. Ginting, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution
pharmacist after goods come
checked one by one based on
existing PO rise. If it is already
suitable with PO, with an invoice,
with goods, expired, then signed
with stamp and input into the
system. Then it is distributed to the
pharmacy or needs room medicine.
Has the activity of receiving drug
procurement been regulated by
the provisions of the pharmacy?
3. Storage
How does the spatial
arrangement of medicine storage
It is done by the health minister
of the Hospital.
How do you store the medicine
It is compilated alphabetically
from AZ and separated, the bottom
syrup alphabetically, medicine
syrup/ ampoules in the middle to
avoid damage from falling or
What method do you use to
record the medicine stock?
It is done by the existing stock
card system.
How do you preserve or maintain
the quality of the drugs in a
We compilated the drugs based
on medicine type, especially
packaging type. The record is
already there. It is on the stock card
because in our system we still use
do the stock cards manually due to
lack of personnel.
4. Distribution
How do you distribute the
Distribution based on
requested input from installation
pharmacy based on needs them,
the things they ask for that we lower
after downing from warehouse
pharmacy to installation pharmacy.
D. Pharmacist
1. Procurement
What method is used in medicine
The Covid drug is from the
hospital, but sometimes there is
also help from service health if
procurement is needed. For
example, we see the case and we
customize the total and the average
of daily usage, so if it's in stock
already reduced, we order it again.
How do you determine the time
of medicine procurement?
It is by order through
distribution and there is also a form
special for booking for covid.
Do the drugs that have been
ordered or purchased
immediately arrive on time?
837 | Evaluation Of Covid Drugs Management in Pharmaceutical Installations Of Royal Prima
Hospital Medan During the COVID-19 Pandemic
So far, it is on time even though
sometimes there is a problem of a
dramatic rise of patients. If we don’t
have the drugs that we need, we try
to get the patients medicine until
they are cured.
Do obstacles happen when you
do medicine procurement?
We see the stock because no
one can be so sure when the Covid
will end. We manage the stock
always available because the drugs
are unavailable in the hospital it will
result in the hospital loss. If we have
a situation of running out of drugs,
we will borrow the drugs from
another hospital so that we can
provide free health care for
2. Reception
How is the medicine receipt and
inspection process?
Acceptance and inspection
process drug is done by warehouse
personnel, the ones who receive the
drug we order. The warehouse
officer checking matches it with the
invoice including the amount,
physical condition, and expired
date. After that, we deliver.
Are drug procurement activities
regulated by pharmacy
So far, it runs well but if a
reception drug contains several
must-have medicines, it should be
signed by the pharmacist.
What problems happen when you
receive the medicine?
The last obstacle that
complicates the officer is the
introduction because drugs are
there so they should get over here
for asking to sign his hand, the
thing that is usually from OCT
3. Storage
How does the spatial
arrangement of medicine storage
It is already appropriate. Tablet
medicines, medical devices, syrups,
infusions, liquids, are prepared
alphabetically and by medicine
category. For example, drugs are
generic alphabetically, patent drugs
are in alphabetical order, syrup
according to the alphabet. For the
method, the medicine that has been
in place for a long time was brought
forward to avoid expired date
What method do you use to
record the medicine stock?
For recording in stock, we from
the system called SIMS. There, we
will see the drug use that usually
later we stock hospitalization.
Dicca Brentazzoly Br Tarigan, Chrismis N. Ginting, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution
How do you guard or maintain
the quality of the drugs in a
It is saved by drug storage
Have facilities and infrastructure
been adequate for the place
storage medicine? Not yet.
What problems happen when you
store the medicines?
The placement drug in the room
is like a tree. There is a possibility of
fall, so if it falls then and is swept by
the Cleaning Service, it will reduce
stock physically but not reduce
stock systemically.
4. Distribution
How do you distribute the
The Covid drug distribution is
done by the nurse. We prepare the
drugs they request based on the
patients’ names at night. Then, the
drugs are delivered to the room.
There are two ways to take the
drugs; BPJS patients on the
backside, and independent patients
on the front side.
E. Assistant Pharmacist
1. Procurement
What method is used in
procurement medicine?
Procurement of Covid drugs is
estimated by the number of
patients that need to be cured. After
that, the request is approved and
forwarded to Finance and later
signed by the Director. Drugs are
distributed to the warehouse and
displayed by FIFO and delivered to
How do you determine the time
of medicine procurement?
For drug covid that alone there
are any medicines.
Do the drugs that have been
ordered or purchased
immediately arrive on time?
Several medicines come on time
but sometimes it comes late
because of many factors, for
example, the goods are empty and
due to long transport.
2. Reception
How is the medicine receipt and
inspection process?
We check the expired date of
the drugs and match the number on
the list with the goods physically.
We also check if there is damage or
Is the activity of receiving drug
procurement regulated by the
provisions of the pharmacy?
What obstacles do you face when
receiving the medicines?
839 | Evaluation Of Covid Drugs Management in Pharmaceutical Installations Of Royal Prima
Hospital Medan During the COVID-19 Pandemic
3. Storage
How does the spatial
arrangement of medicine storage
Usually, we customize the
medical condition, for example, we
put the drug in room temperature
refrigerator temperature and
arranged based on FIFI and FIFO.
Are the facilities and
infrastructure adequate for drug
Facilities and infrastructure are
already adequate but the system is
slow so it makes the process slow as
4. Distribution
How do you distribute the
Goods come from and are
transported to the pharmacy. After
being approved by the night
officers, tomorrow morning the
drugs are delivered to every floor
well. It is not directly given to the
patients but it is checked by the
nurse. After the need for the drugs
is evaluated, it is given to the
Based on the results of the
researcher's interview with the
informed Director of Medical
Services, it can be seen that the
process of Procurement, Receipt,
Storage, and Distribution is carried
out in the Evaluation of Covid Drug
Management at the Pharmacy
Installation of Hospital Royal Prima
Medan During the COVID-19
Pandemic. And based on the results
of researcher interviews with
informants as an assistant
Pharmacist of Pharmacy at Hospital
Royal Prima Medan, it can see that
the process of Procurement,
Receiving, Storage, and Distribution
is done in Evaluation Management
Drug Covid in Installation Pharmacy
at Hospital Royal Prima Medan
During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
According to Amanda's 2021
research on Analysis Management
preparation Pharmacy During the
COVID-19 Pandemic At the Health
Center districts Rawamerta Public
Health Center obtained results
study showing that management
preparation pharmacy during the
COVID-19 pandemic at the
Rawamerta Public Health Center
owns Mark presentation 97% of the
questionnaires while at the
Balongsari Public Health Center
with Mark presentation 90.75%
questionnaire. This study concludes
that there is no significant
difference to management
preparation pharmacy with Mark
significant 0.301 (p-value > 0.05)
using the Mann Whitney test.
Based on the study results to Evaluation
Management Drug Covid In Installation
Pharmacy at HOSPITAL Royal Prima Medan
Dicca Brentazzoly Br Tarigan, Chrismis N. Ginting, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, it can be
concluded that it has carried out the
process of procurement, receipt, storage,
and distribution in the evaluation
management of covid drug on installation
Pharmacy at HOSPITAL Royal Prima Medan
during the COVID-19 pandemic are
supported by the existence of existing
facilities and infrastructure and the number
of available human resources at Hospital
Royal Prima Medan.
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© 2022 by the authors. Submitted
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