JRSSEM 2022, Vol. 01, No. 7, 754 758
E-ISSN: 2807 - 6311, P-ISSN: 2807 - 6494
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.102
Miftakhul Fitri1*
Wardani Rahayu2
Lukman El Hakim3
Jakarta State University, Indonesia
e-mail: miftafitriunj@gmail.com, wardani.rahayu@unj.ac.id, lukmanunj7@gmail.com
*Correspondence: miftafitriun[email protected]
Submitted: 27 January 2022, Revised: 5 February 2022, Accepted: 11 February 2022
Abstract. This study aims to find out the errors made by students and to find out the causes of
student errors in doing arithmetic operations on fractions based on Newman's procedure in terms
of Adversity Quotient. In this study, respondents were selected using purposive sampling. The
research approach used is a descriptive qualitative approach, the method used is a case study.
sampling The research subjects consisted of 3 students selected using a purposive technique. Data
collection techniques used are documents, interviews, adversity quotient questionnaires, data
analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The
results showed that errors occurred in every indicator of Newman's analysis. The types of errors
that students make are reading questions, understanding problems, transforming, processing skills,
and writing answers. The causes of these errors include limited students' reading comprehension
abilities, students have not been able to identify relevant information in story problems, students
are not used to working on story problems, poor time management, and students have not
mastered mathematics, needed to solve operational problems properly.
Keywords: guideline; template; author; abstract; manuscript.
Miftakhul Fitri, Wardani Rahayu, Lukman El Hakim | 755
DOI : 10.36418/jrssem.v1i7.102
Mathematics should be taught at all
levels of education. Starting from
elementary, middle, high school, even
college. In learning mathematics, various
important components play a role in
creating an effective learning atmosphere.
One of these important components is the
teacher. In the implementation of formal
education, in each school, the types of
knowledge and fields of knowledge taught
are different (Abdulloh, 2016). One of the
fields of science that is taught in schools is
arithmetic or measurement which is called
Mathematics. With many sciences whose
discovery and development depend heavily
on mathematics, students must have
various skills related to mathematics
(Magfirah, Maidiyah, & Suryawati, 2019).
Learning mathematics in schools is
always related to the material at that level.
The scope of this mathematics material
shows the scope of mathematics material
for learning at certain levels of education.
The Mathematics Material Limit for SMP VII
includes the material on numbers, sets,
comparisons and lines, angles and
numbers. The field is one of the many
components that make up a comparison.
Each of these materials has unique
characteristics that can cause some
problems for students to learn (Dewi, 2018).
These difficulties are usually a problem
for students because they can hinder the
achievement of mathematics learning
objectives. One of the difficulties that often
arise in learning mathematics is the number
in the fractional counting operations
section, both in terms of concepts and in
arithmetic operations procedures. Many
students also find it difficult to function if
there are questions about mixed fractions,
which must be done by first converting
mixed fractions into ordinary fractions and
then working on them. Although it seems
simple, the arithmetic operations on
fractions are not always mastered well by
students, even many students do not know
this step (Ramlah, Bennu, & Paloloang,
A preliminary study conducted at SMP
Negeri 2 Sekampung in grade VII shows the
fact in the field that students make many
mistakes in doing fractional arithmetic
operations due to lack of mastery, both in
understanding, operating, and writing final
answers (Sudiono, 2017). It is not easy to
bring students to be able to understand the
concept and meaning of fractions so that a
change in the teacher's teaching method is
needed (Suciati & Wahyuni, 2018). Teachers
should continue to try to arrange and apply
various ways of variation so that students
are interested and enthusiastic in
participating in mathematics lessons (Anzar
& Mardhatillah, 2018). If there are students
who do not understand, it means that they
have difficulties which result in errors in
solving math problems (Nasriadi, 2016)
Error analysis is important because
both teachers and students can determine
efforts that can prevent the same mistakes
from happening again. This is in line with
Efrilia who explained that when analyzing
errors, we can find out the possible causes,
which allows us to focus on those reasons
and to avoid similar mistakes in the future
(Efrilia, 2016).
Students' ability to solve problems is
very diverse, depending on the individual
and the particular time. Various factors
Miftakhul Fitri, Wardani Rahayu, Lukman El Hakim | 756
influence students in solving problems, one
of which is the student's fighting power.
The fighting power of each student in
solving problems is different. The
difference in fighting power is determined
by the level of adversity quotient (AQ).
Suffering is a measure of the ability to
overcome adversity. Therefore, the role of
risk is important in determining students'
ability to solve mathematical problems.
Stoltz is included in 3 (three) AQ categories,
namely; Interrupts (Low AQ), Camps
(Medium AQ), and Oops (High AQ). People
who try to avoid problems prefer to look
back when they see problems, and people
who don't dare to face problems fall into
the category of quitting. A person who is
not willing to take great risks and is
satisfied with the circumstances or
circumstances in which he finds himself is
classified as a camp category. To better
understand this situation, the researcher
felt it was important to consider the level of
difficulty by examining how students
responded to solving low, medium, and
high level problems.
So to find out more about the errors
made by students in solving problems, the
researchers are interested in conducting a
study entitled "Analysis of Errors for Class
VII Students in Working on Math Problems
in Operational Materials to Count Fractions
Based on Newman's Stage in terms of
adversity intelligence.
Two instruments were used. in this
study, the main instrument, and supporting
instruments. The main tool in this study is
the researcher himself. While the
supporting materials are the University
Response Profile (ARP) questionnaire,
interview instructions, and questionnaires.
Research time is from January 2022 to
completion. Subject selection begins by
distributing the Adversity Response Profile
(ARP) questionnaire. The results of each
student's ARP questionnaire are added and
based on the student's ARP scores are
divided into 3 (three) categories of
students: citation, camp, and outreach.
Then one student is selected from each AQ
category, each each stop, rest, and leave.
Peng Data collection in this study was
carried out on each topic. The research
subjects consisted of 3 informants, who
were selected based on a purposive
sampling technique from 32 students.
This data analysis will be subject to
sanctions in the context of text concepts
and concepts that (Rijali, 2019) are used to
describe the following: reducing data,
presenting data, and concluding/verifying.
Subjects read the questions and then
write down what is known and asked using
verbal language without explaining orally.
This can be seen from the camper character
who shows a little enthusiasm, a little effort,
and does not use all his abilities (Klaukien,
Shepherd, & Patzelt, 2013). In his research
obtained the same thing that their camper
students synthesized ideas based on easy
concepts (Irfan, 2018). The subject stated
that he obtained the plan after reading the
questions and had two plans to solve the
757 | Analysis of Student Errors in Working Mathematical Problems in Calculated Operation
Materials Fractions Based on Newman Stages From Adversity Quotient (Case Study in
SMP Negeri 2 Sekampung)
problem. In other words, the campers
understand the problem well.
On In the transformation process, the
camper subject uses addition and
subtraction calculations correctly as the
initial formula. the ability to process
addition and subtraction operations by
equating the equation first correctly and
precisely. However, in writing the answer is
less precise and in simplifying the final
answer (Huang et al., 2021). states that they
are campers, who are satisfied with their
independence. This is in accordance with
(Loe, 2010) which explains that because
they are bored they end their work, do not
take risks, take the safe path, prefer to
maintain comfort, and do not utilize their
potential to the fullest. Meanwhile, (Irfan,
2018) found the same thing in his research,
namely that the camper was satisfied with
the answer.
Subject Quitters
Subjects read questions by writing
down what they know and are asked orally.
In the quitters subject, the first error was
seen from the start, namely the process of
not understanding the meaning of the
problem and the transformation using the
initial formula for the addition operation. It
should be appropriate to use the process of
adding and subtracting fractions. Quitter
subjects choose to give up on the next
process, namely process skills and writing
answers. This is not supported by the
theory which says that people who quit
smoking will give up and quit without
being accompanied by effort in solving
math problems (Weintrop et al., 2016).
Based on the results of the study, it is
known that in general there are differences
in quality between the problem solving
profiles of mountain students, campers,
and dropouts. It can be said that
mountaineering students have better
problem-solving qualities than camping
students and dropouts, this can be seen in
every problem-solving step taken by
mountaineering students. Therefore, the
researcher suggests that educators and
students understand that every student has
AQ potential that needs to be improved at
any time and if possible an educator pays
more attention to students with low AQ
and does not ignore students with high AQ.
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