JRSSEM 2021, Vol. 01, No. 2, 64 78
E-ISSN: 2807-6311, P-ISSN: 2807-6494
DOI :10.36418/jrssem.v1i2.10 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
Analysis of Effect on Asset Return, Return on Equity,
Earning Per Share, and Net Profit Margin on Share
Price on Banking Company
Agnes Claudi
Menik Indrati
Esa Unggul University, Bekasi, Indonesia
e-mail: agnes.claudia94@gmail.com
, menik.indrati@esaunggul.ac.id
*Correspondence: agnes.claudia94@gmail.ckom
Submitted: 18 September 2021, Revised: 23 September 2021, Received: 27 September 2021
Abstract. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of Return On Assets (ROA), Return
On Equity (ROE), Earning Per Share (EPS), and Net Profit Margin (NPM) on stock prices. In this study,
there is one dependent variable, namely stock prices, and four independent variables, namely
Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE), Earning Per Share (EPS), and Net Profit Margin
(NPM). Return on Assets (ROA) is measured by dividing net income by total assets in the company.
Return On Equity (ROE) with return on common equity and net return on common equity, which
measures the return on investment of ordinary shareholders. Net Profit Margin (NPM) is calculated
by dividing the total net profit earned by the company by each sale made. Earning Per Share (EPS)
by dividing the number of each ordinary share produced during a specific period by the shares
outstanding, measured by dividing the total period income available to shareholders from the
company's common shares by the number of ordinary shares outstanding. The population and
sample are 35 companies with banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during
2017 2019, so that the research sample is 35 samples, namely 105 companies. The results of this
study indicate that Return On Assets (ROA) does not affect stock prices, Return On Equity (ROE) is
detrimental to stock prices, Earning Per Share (EPS) has a positive effect on stock prices, and net
income. Margin (NPM) does not affect stock prices.
Keywords: return on assets; equity; earnings per share; net profit margin; stock price.
Agnes Claudia, Menik Indrati | 65
DOI :10.36418/jrssem.v1i2.10 https://jrssem.publikasiindonesia.id/index.php/jrssem/index
The development of the capital market
in Indonesia shows that the capital market
has become an alternative investment for
investors (Mogonta & Pandowo, 2016).
Public knowledge about the capital market
is growing, and the number of companies
listed on the capital market and supported
by the government to invest plays a role in
developing the capital market. Its presence
is indispensable to carry out its role in the
capital market. The movement of funds is
growing to maximize the existence of the
capital market (Septyanto, 2013).
Hermanto (2017) said to understand the
importance of investing, recognize stocks
as an ideal investment tool and understand
the constraints and interests of the public
as potential investors to attract investors in
the Indonesian capital market. Banking
companies are expected to have bright
prospects in the future and have a
significant contribution to state revenues
(Adrianti, 2019).
One measure of profitability with
Return on Assets (ROA) where E. F. Brigham
& Joel F. Houston (2008) stated Return on
Assets (ROA) by calculating the net income
ratio to total assets in the company. Gitman
(2003), in his research, that Return On
Assets (ROA) is a measure of overall
management effectiveness in generating
profits with available assets. In addition,
companies trying to get the Return on
Assets (ROA) value they manage get a high
value because the higher the Return On
Assets (ROA) value, the better the company
uses its assets to earn income. Benefits
(Efendi et al., 2016).
The researcher shows the Return On
Equity (ROE) earnings ratio, which
measures the level of shares on the capital
they invest in the company (Kabajeh et al.,
2012). According to (Brigham & Houston,
2010), the investment level of ordinary
stockholders and high Return On Equity
(ROE), the company managed to profit
from its capital. When Return On Equity
(ROE) automatically increased sales of
company value can impact the company's
stock price, so that there is a correlation
with an increase in stock returns (Almira &
Wiagustini, 2020).
According to Gitman, (2003)
Earning Per Share (EPS) is calculated by
dividing the profits available to common
stockholders by the number of outstanding
shares. The amount of money generated
(return) from each claim, the more excellent
Earning Per Share (EPS) value, and the
greater the profit or return received by
shareholders (Eko Meiningsih Susilowati,
2015). With a high Earning Per Share (EPS),
the company will provide significant
income opportunities for investors
(Talamati & Pangemanan, 2015).
State by Pratama & Erawati (2016) that
the Net Profit Margin (NPM) by calculating
the ratio that describes the amount of net
profit earned by the company for each sale
made. This ratio represents the company's
net profit for each sale because it includes
all elements of income and expenses. And
capital gains received by shareholders are
getting bigger.
The study Application of Criminal
Sanctions Against Criminal Acts
Humiliation and Defamation Through the
Internet where the price of shares with
selling or buying price transactions in the
securities market is determined by the
66 | Analysis of Effect on Asset Return, Return on Equity, Earning Per Share, and Net Profit
Margin on Share Price on Banking Company
forced market depending on the strength
of supply or demand for buying and selling
or supplying the demand. Aletheari & Jati
(2016) state that financial performance
assessment measures the company's ability
to generate profits from investments made
as a profitability ratio. Fundamental
analysis is needed that stock price behavior
is determined by changes in basic behavior.
Company performance variables. Generally,
stock prices have a profitability ratio to
assess the company's ability to seek profits
within a certain period (Kasmir, 2012).
Mogonta & Pandowo (2016) stated that the
profitability ratio is a ratio that describes
the company's ability to earn profits
through all existing capabilities and sources
such as sales activities, cash, capital,
number of employees, number of branches,
and so on.
What distinguishes this research is by
adding the Net Profit Margin (NPM)
variable and the research object on
banking companies on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange for the period 2017 - 2019. Based
on the explanation above, the purpose of
this study is to examine the effect of Return
On Assets (ROA). . Return on Equity (ROE),
Earning Per Share (EPS), and Net Profit
Margin (NPM) stock prices of banking
companies on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange for the period 2017 - 2019. This
study is expected that general investors can
choose stocks with several things you need
to know wrong. The other is known from
the profitability ratio to the company's
financial performance and can provide
benefits for related parties.
Signaling Theory
Signaling theory was first proposed by
Spence (1973) in Scott (2015), explains that
the sending party, namely the owner of the
information, provides the company or
companies in the form of communication
that describes a favorable condition for the
recipient, namely investors and investors,
will balance their behavior against the
understanding contained in the signal.
Hartono (2016) argues that the information
obtained by the company will provide a
signal for investors to decide to do so if the
announcement is good. The market will
react to a positive response when the
information is carried out, namely capital.
Market participants take action. Purchase
of shares of a company to increase the
trading volume of shares and the
company's share price. Hermanto &
Tjahjadi (2021) stated that in conveying
financial information to external parties for
companies that describe prospects that
attract investors to invest in the company,
they tend to sell their shares if the
opportunity is losing.
Positive Accounting Theory (PAT)
According to Watts & Zimmerman
(1986) obtained an alternative approach to
research in the accounting field known as
Positive Accounting Theory (PAT) or
positive accounting theory by publishing
their research article. Toward a Positive
Accounting Theory of Accounting Standard
in The Accounting Review in 1978 on
positive accounting theory is concerned
with predicting actions, such as firms'
choice of accounting policies and how firms
will respond to proposed new accounting
standards. However, Adhikara (2020)
explains appropriate accounting with the
knowledge and use to explain and predict
Agnes Claudia, Menik Indrati | 67
accounting practices. Positive Accounting
Theory (PAT) is an accounting theory put
forward in the literature that can explain
accounting practices and anticipate the
causes of phenomena that occur now and
their effects or impacts in the future
(Siallagan, 2020).
Stock Price
Simply put, the stock is defined as a
sign of ownership of a person or entity in a
company. The stock symbol is a piece of
paper explaining that the paper's owner is
the company that issued the document.
Buying is interpreted by storing in a
different place, namely in the capital
market (Muklis, 2016). According to
Hartono (2016), the stock price is defined
as a stock that occurs in the capital market
at a specific time determined by market
participants on the demand and supply of
related shares in the capital market. The
share price is the price of a company's
shares traded on the stock exchange,
whose value is determined from the forces
of demand and supply (Halimatussakdiah,
Return on Assets (ROA) is the capital
invested in assets needed to generate net
income (Sujarweni, 2017). Tampubolon &
Saptomo (2020) An increase in Return On
Assets (ROA) can also increase the
company's stock price. In this case, it means
that Return On Assets (ROA) has a high
value in generating profits known to
increase the company's stock price.
Where the profit generated by the
company increases, the results obtained by
the company are high profits, thus
attracting investors to conduct stock
buying and selling transactions (Watung &
Ilat, 2016).
Return on Assets (ROA) measures the
overall effectiveness of management in
obtaining profits by using available assets.
The more assets owned by the company
will increase the purchase of shares of
investor confidence in the company,
increasing the stock price in the market.
And has a positive effect on stock prices
(Mogonta & Pandowo, 2016).
Based on the description above, the
following hypothesis is proposed:
H1: Return on Assets (ROA) has a positive
effect on stock prices.
By strengthening the company's
performance through efforts to improve
financial ratios such as Return On Equity
(ROE) and providing more transparent
information, investors can use it as a guide
in making investment decisions (Wulandari
& Badjra, 2019). This is strong because
good news can encourage investors to
invest in the company.
Increase in Return On Equity (ROE), and
shareholders will get high growth so that
Return On Equity (ROE) will cause an
increase in stock prices so that there is a
positive relationship between Return On
Equity (ROE) and stock prices (Ani et al.,
According to Ambarwati et al. (2019),
Komang et al. (2019), and Wulandari &
Badjra (2019) found a positive relationship
between an increase in Return On Equity
(ROE) which can increase stock prices and
the company's stock price.
Based on the description above, the
following hypothesis is proposed:
H2: Return on Equity (ROE) has a positive
effect on stock prices.
Earning Per Share (EPS) is the amount
68 | Analysis of Effect on Asset Return, Return on Equity, Earning Per Share, and Net Profit
Margin on Share Price on Banking Company
during a certain period of each common
share outstanding which is calculated by
dividing the total period of earnings held
by ordinary shareholders by the number of
ordinary shares outstanding (Gitman,
2003). According to Alipudin (2016),
Earning Per Share (EPS) is income on profits
to be obtained by shareholders per each
share, and Earning Per Share (EPS) is
obtained. It can be used as a signal for
investors before investing.
Earning Per Share (EPS) is obtained
from comparing net income after tax with
the number of shares outstanding. An
increase in Earning Per Share (EPS) will
increase the stock price so that the
company's performance is said to be in
good condition (Ani et al., 2019). In the
study of Efendi et al. (2016), Watung & Ilat
(2016), Alipudin (2016), and Al Umar & Nur
Savitri (2020) found a positive relationship
between Earnings Per Share (EPS) and stock
prices. Al Umar & Nur Savitri (2020) stated
Earning Per Share (EPS) could increase the
company's stock price.
Based on the description above, the
following hypothesis is proposed:
H3: Earning Per Share (EPS) has a positive
effect on stock prices.
According to Kasmir (2012), the Net
Profit Margin (NPM) ratio is used to
measure the company's ability to obtain
net profit from main operational activities.
This ratio is considered adequate because
it assesses the company's primary
operations as a whole so that many
investors believe the balance before
deciding to invest in a company. It can be
said that the increase in Net Profit Margin
(NPM) will affect the level of company
performance so that it will improve and can
increase stock prices, and with that will lead
to investor confidence to invest in the
company (Watung & Ilat, 2016).
The higher the Net Profit Margin
(NPM) value, the more efficient the
company is to get profits from sales. The
higher the Net Profit Margin also shows
that the company can reduce costs well.
Therefore, (Wulandari & Badjra, 2019)
states the Net Profit Margin (NPM), where
the increase can positively affect the
company's stock price.
Based on the description above, the
following hypothesis is proposed:
H4: Net profit margin (NPM) has a positive
effect on stock prices.
Return on Assets (ROA) is an overall
management measure in obtaining
adequate profits by using available assets.
Also, the more support the company owns
will increase the purchase of shares of
investor confidence in the company
making the stock price in the market
increase (Mogonta & Pandowo, 2016).
By strengthening the company's
performance through efforts to improve
financial ratios such as Return On Equity
(ROE) and providing more transparent
information, investors can use it as a guide
in making investments (Wulandari &
Badjra, 2019).
According to Alipudin (2016),
Dominated that the level of fluctuations (up
and down) Earning Per Share (EPS) will
affect stock prices. Earning Per Share (EPS)
is income on profits that shareholders per
share will obtain. Earning Per Share Per
Share (EPS) is made and can be used to
signal investors before investing. The
higher the Net Profit Margin (NPM), will
affect the level of company performance. It
Agnes Claudia, Menik Indrati | 69
Will be better and can lead to an increase
in stock prices and with that will lead to
investor confidence to invest in the
company (Watung & Ilat, 2016). This means
that if the Return On Assets (ROA), Return
On Equity (ROE), Earning Per Share (EPS),
and Net Profit Margin (NPM) variables
increase or decrease, it will have an impact
on increasing and decreasing share. Price in
the company (Purwanti, 2020).
Based on the description above, the
following hypothesis is proposed:
H5: Return On Assets (ROA), Return On
Equity (ROE), Earning Per Share (EPS), Net
Profit Margin (NPM) have a positive effect
on stock prices.
In this study, there is one dependent
variable on stock prices and four
independent variables, namely Return On
Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE),
Earning Per Share (EPS), and Net Profit
Margin (NPM). Return On Assets (ROA) is
measured by dividing net income by total
assets in the company. E. F. Brigham & Joel
F. Houston, (2008). Return On Equity (ROE)
with ordinary equity and net income on
common equity measures the level of
ownership of common stockholders E. F.
Brigham & Joel F. Houston, (2008). Net
Profit Margin (NPM) is calculated by
dividing the total net profit earned by the
company by each sale made (Pratama &
Erawati, 2016). Earnings Per Share (EPS) by
dividing the number of ordinary shares
produced during a specific period by the
number of shares outstanding distributed
by dividing the total income available to
ordinary shareholders by the number of
ordinary shares outstanding (Gitman,
The research design used is causal
research. In the causal analysis using a
quantitative approach because this
research is about the effect of Return On
Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE),
Earning Per Share (EPS), and Net Profit
Margin (NPM) on stock prices in the capital
market by proving the significant influence
of the independent variable on the
dependent variable (Mogonta & Pandowo,
The population in this study are
companies in the banking sector listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study
uses secondary data in the form of the
company's annual financial statements
sourced from the official website of the
Indonesia Stock Exchange
(https://www.idx.co.id). For the period 2017
- 2019. The sample in this study was
selected as many as 35 companies for three
years, namely 2017 2019. The number of
financial statements that were sampled in
the study was 105 financial statements.
sampling is a sampling technique used by
purposive sampling using only certain
considerations to obtain a representative
sample that is adjusted to the criteria,
namely researchers from conventional
banking companies that have consecutive
positive profits in the annual financial
70 | Analysis of Effect on Asset Return, Return on Equity, Earning Per Share, and Net Profit
Margin on Share Price on Banking Company
Figure 1. Research Model
These multiple linear regression
analysis techniques are needed in various
decision-making in both policy and
management and use SPSS software
(Statistical Package for Social Science)
version 26. The multiple linear regression
equation models in this study are as
Regression of linear equations
Y: the price of Shares
α: Constants
regression coefficient Return on Assets
regression coefficient Return On Equity
regression coefficient Earning Per Share
The regression coefficient Profit Margin
Values Return On Assets
: Value of Return On Equity
: Value of Earning Per Share
: Value of Net Profit Margin
: Error
Table 1. Operational Variable
Price The
closing price
of shares at
the end of the
On Assets
Return On
Assets =
Net profit
after tax
Total assets
Return on
Return on
equity =
Net profit
after tax
Total equity
per share
Earnings per
share =
Net profit
after tax
Number of
Net profit
Net profit
margin =
Net profit
after tax
In this study, the research object
was 35 companies with three years of
observation, namely 2017 to 2019. In the
normality test of data and classical
assumptions, it was proven that each
variable had a significance level above 0.05,
which means the distribution of standard
data and classical assumptions. Normality
test in one variable is not always needed in
the analysis, but statistical tests' results will
be better if all variables are normally
distributed. It deserves further testing.
Y= α + β
+ β
+ β
+ β
Agnes Claudia, Menik Indrati | 71
Descriptive statistical analysis
provides an overview of the data consisting
of minimum, maximum, average (mean),
and standard deviation. Statistical analysis
tests show that N or the amount of data for
each valid variable obtained 78 of 105 price
sample data, the minimum value is 73.00,
the maximum value is 29100.00 from the
2017-2019 period, the average value is
3081.203081, 20, and the standard
deviation value is 4993.12.
Table 2. Test Results Analysis Descriptive
Descriptive statistics
191 ,5
Source: Data processed by SPSS 26
A normality test is used to
determine whether the data is taken from a
normally distributed population or not.
Testing for normality using the Kolmogorov
Smirnov test shows that the data used in
this study is generally distributed asymp
sig0.200 levelc. the number is greater than
the significance of 0.05, and the data can be
used in testing the regression model.
Table 3. Normality Test Results
One-sample kolmogov-smirnov test
d residual
Test statistic
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
a. Test distribution is normal
b. It is calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors significance correction
d. Lower bound of the true
Source: Data processed by SPSS 26
Multicollinearity test was used to test
whether the regression model found a
correlation between independent variables.
This multicollinearity test uses the
tolerance value. The Variance Inflation
Factor test results from the multicollinearity
(VIF) of each variable indicate that the
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value has a
research value not more than ten and when
viewed from the value tolerance. Has a
value of less than 0.1. So, each independent
variable in this study is free from
multicollinearity in the regression model.
Table 4. Test Results Multicollinearity
collinearity Statistics
72 | Analysis of Effect on Asset Return, Return on Equity, Earning Per Share, and Net Profit
Margin on Share Price on Banking Company
Dependent Variable: Lag_Ln_Harga Chart
Source: Processed Data SPSS 26
Test heteroscedasticity was conducted
to examine whether the regression model
of variance is not the same from one
observation to another observation. Based
on the scatterplot image, it is known that
the points spread in a pattern so that the
assumption of no heteroscedasticity can be
fulfilled. The heteroscedasticity test in this
study shows that the probability (sig) in
each regression model used is more
significant than 0.05 or 5%, so that it can be
stated that there are no symptoms of
Picture. 2. Test Results Heteroscedasticity
Source: Data processed with SPSS 26
The autocorrelation test determines
the correlation between disturbance
variables so that the estimator is no longer
efficient in both small models and large
samples. One way to test autocorrelation is
the Durbin-Watson experiment. The linear
regression model in this study has a
positive autocorrelation. Because the data
has positive autocorrelation, the authors
apply the Cochrane Orcutt transformation.
Based on the table, it is known that the
Durbin-Watson value of 1.810 is greater
than the upper limit (dUL) 1.7407 and
smaller than 4-dU (4-1.7407 = 2.2593). The
accepted H0 states that there is no positive
correlation or negative according to the
decision table dU < d < 4-dU or 1.7407 <
1.810 < 2.2593. So it can be said that the
linear regression model in this study is free
from autocorrelation.
Table 6. Test Results Autocorrelation
Model Summary
Std. Error
Of The
56 920
Predictors: (Constant), Lag_Ln_NPM
Lag_Ln_ROE, Lag_Ln_ROA, Lag_Ln_EPS
Dependent Variable: Lag_Ln_Harga Chart
Source: Data processed by SPSS 26
Test Coefficient of Determination Table
shows that the correlation R shows the
result is 0.857. This indicates that the
correlation between ROA (X1), ROE (X2),
EPS (X3), and NPM (X4) on the market share
price (Y) has a strong relationship.
Table 7. Determination Coefficient Test
ted R
Error Of
56 920
Agnes Claudia, Menik Indrati | 73
Predictors: (Constant), Lag_Ln_Npm
Lag_Ln_Roe, Lag_Ln_Roa, Lag_Ln_Eps
Source: Data processed by SPSS 26,
The results of the multiple linear
regression analysis models based on
equality between the independent
variables on variables are as follows:
Y = 2.259 + 0.037ROA 0.666ROE +
0.820EPS + 0.476NPM + e
The equation can be interpreted: The
value (constant) is 2.259. This explains that
all independent variables are equal to zero.
The predicted price is 2.259. ROA affects
stock prices with a regression coefficient of
0.037, which means that the ROA variable
has a positive effect on the stock price
variable. Under conditions where other
variables are constant, if one unit of ROA
increases, the price is predicted to increase
by 0.037. ROE on stock prices has a
regression coefficient of -0.666, which
means that the ROE variable is detrimental
to the stock price variable. Under
conditions where other variables are
constant, if one unit decreases ROE, the
price is predicted to fall by 0.666. EPS
affects stock prices with a regression
coefficient of 0.820, which means that the
EPS variable has a positive effect on the
price variable. Under conditions where
other variables are constant, if one unit of
EPS increases, the price is predicted to
increase by 0.820. NPM affects stock prices
with a regression coefficient of 0.476, which
means that the NPM variable has a positive
effect on the price variable. Under
conditions where other variables are
constant, if one unit of NPM increases, the
price is predicted to increase by 0.476.
The F test is that decision-making on
the hypothesis can be done by comparing
the calculated F significance value with a
research significance level of 0.05. If the
significance value of calculated F < 0.05,
then this affects the effect between
variables as a whole on the statistically
significant effect variable. However, if the
significance value of F arithmetic > 0.05, the
overall impact between variables on the
affected variables is not statistically
significant. Based on the table, the
calculated F significance value is 0.000.
Because the significance value of calculated
F is less than 0.05, it can be said that the
variables simultaneously have a statistically
significant effect on the variables. Then it is
stated H5 (Hypothesis 5) that ROA, ROE,
EPS, and NPM have a simultaneous impact
on the stock price of banking companies on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2017
– 2019 period, which are accepted.
Table 8. Test Results Simultaneous F
(Statistic F)
a. Dependent Variable: Lag_Ln_Harga
b. Predictors: (Constant),
Lag_Ln_NPM Lag_Ln_ROE,
Lag_Ln_ROA, Lag_Ln_EPS
74 | Analysis of Effect on Asset Return, Return on Equity, Earning Per Share, and Net Profit
Margin on Share Price on Banking Company
Source: Data processed by SPSS 26
T-Test to determine whether the
regression equation model formed partially
by independent variables (X1, X2, X3, and
X4) significantly affect the inhibition
variable (Y). The t-test shows that ROA
partly does not affect stock prices because
the results of t count (0.337) < t table
(1.996) and the significance level is more
significant than 0.05, which is 0.737. ROE is
partially detrimental to stock prices
because t count (-4.115) > t table (-1.996)
and the level is significantly less than 0.05,
which is 0.000. EPS partially has a positive
effect on stock prices because t count
(10.392) > t table (-1.996) and the
significant level is 0.05, which is 0.000. NPM
partially does not affect stock prices
because NPM t count (1.401) < t table
(1.996) and the significance level is more
significant than 0.05, which is 0.166.
Table 9. Hypothesis T-Test Results
(Statistics T)
Descriptive Statistics
Model Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients T
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 2.259,
7.271 311,000,
Lag_Ln_ROA 037,111
0,36, 337,737
Lag_Ln_ROE -, 666,162
-, 538 -4.115,000,
Lag_Ln_EPS 820,079
1.165 10.392,000,
Lag_Ln_NPM 476,340,
114 1,401, 166
a. Dependent variable: Lag_ln_stock
Source: Data processed with SPSS 26
This study is based on hypothesis 1,
where ROA does not affect stock prices is
rejected. The results of this study are the
same as the research conducted by
(Wulandari & Badjra, 2019), which proves
that ROA reflects how efficiently the
company uses its assets to generate profits.
Different from (Egam et al., 2017) that ROA
is also caused by investors who only see the
ability from within the company to
generate profits, but also see risks from
outside the company such as tariff
increases, politics, inflation, natural
disasters, and changes in economic policies
so that there is no investor interest in
Based on hypothesis 2, namely, ROE
has a negative and significant effect on
stock prices, and the results are rejected.
The results of this study are the same or
consistent with the results of research
conducted by (Mogonta & Pandowo,
2016), which means that equity in the
company affects a decrease usually follows
the market share price of banking
companies, an increase in ROE in stock
prices because ROE is related to the
company's ability to earn profits clean
(Purwanti, 2020). This can happen because
investors assess ROE which can lower stock
prices. After all, equity has not been used as
an investor in determining stock prices.
Hypothesis 3 EPS partially positive and
significant effect on the stock price
received. The results of this study are the
same or consistent with the results of
research conducted by Almira & Wiagustini
(2020). The higher the EPS, the more
Agnes Claudia, Menik Indrati | 75
attractive investors will be to invest so that
the stock price rises. EPS represents income
on profits obtained by shareholders per
share and EPS obtained and can be used as
a signal for investors before investing. This
is corroborated by empirical evidence
conducted by (Alipudin 2016).
Hypothesis 4 when NPM does not
affect stock prices, the results are rejected.
The results of this study are the same or
consistent with Husaini (2012) that the
effect of NPM does not indicate that
investors in investing do not take into
account the NPM variable to predict prices.
This happens because the company has not
been able to manage NPM properly. It does
not measure investors to assess stock
prices and interest income which small
banks can do because they follow Bank
Indonesia interest rates. It is less attractive
for investors to use NPM as an indicator in
assessing prices share.
The research data is 35 companies with
banking companies as objects listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2017 -
2019, so that the research sample is 35
samples, namely 105 companies. This study
has partial regression results, which show
that ROA does not affect stock prices, ROE
does not affect stock prices, EPS has a
positive effect on stock prices, and NPM
does not affect stock prices. In this study,
the author has limitations in using research
data samples for three years, namely from
2017 - 2019, and only a few banking
companies have complete research
variables. For further researchers, it is
recommended to increase the research
period of 5 years to produce better
research and use other variables to
overcome profitability in financial
statements by adding the variable
operating costs to operating income
(BOPO). The BOPO ratio measures
operational activities in the company if the
BOPO value is low. If the company
management is inadequate, then the
company management successfully carries
out its operational activities, thus causing a
higher level of profitability, which can affect
better financial performance and
encourage investors to continue investing
their funds to increase the share price.
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