Renita Wildy Hernanda, Ane Rahma Sapitri, Khofifah Al Adawiyah, Riska Amalia, | 42
Dwi Iman Muthaqin
Citizens are a group of people who live
and live in a certain area, who must submit
and obey the applicable regulations in their
country properly and responsibly.
Conceptually, a citizen should have five
main characteristics, namely: identity,
freedom to enjoy certain rights, fulfill
related obligations, level of interest and
involvement in public affairs, level and
ownership of basic social values (Muslih &
Ulfah, 2020). The role and position of
citizens in a country are needed to run a
country. Therefore, it is necessary to form
the characteristics of citizens to make their
citizens have good character (good
citizens) who can reflect their country and
produce quality human resources. One way
that can be done in the formation of the
characteristics of good citizens is through
character education.
To realize the vision of national
development, to create a society with
noble, moral, ethical, cultured, and civilized
character based on the Pancasila
philosophy, character education is used as
the basis. Character education and
development is an effort in the process of
instilling character values into individuals to
become human beings with character.
Character education aims as a shield and
self-control so as not to easily fall into
negative characters. The formation of a
person's character requires communities of
character, which consist of family, schools,
religious institutions, media, government,
and various parties that influence the
younger generation. In article 3 of Law no.
20 of 2003 concerning the National
Education System, it is explained that the
function of National Education is to
develop capabilities, shape the character,
and civilization of a dignified nation to
educate the nation's life (No, 20 C.E.).
Currently, character education is very
much needed in shaping the character of
the nation's generation, especially in the
21st century in this era of globalization. In
Character Education for the Present
Generation (Primasari et al., 2019), it is
stated that there are 5 values of the nation's
character to become a superior human
being, which becomes a reference for the
commitment to implementing character
education, namely; (1) Indonesian people
who have good morals, character, and
behavior; (2) achieve intelligent and
rational society; (3) Indonesian people in
the future are people who are innovative
and continue to pursue progress; (4)
strengthen the spirit and continue to look
for solutions in various difficulties; and (5)
Indonesian people must become true
patriots, love the nation, country and
homeland. Character is very important in
building a strong and noble national
civilization. Character development in the
individual dimension of a nation is closely
related to the habits carried out by a person
at the level of habitual instilling values and
Moral or decency is a value that
actually must exist in humans, morals are
the behavior of songs and as a set of ideas
about that behavior. Morals teach about
the procedures for living well. In the
formation and development of the
characteristics of the Indonesian nation,
especially Generation Z in character
education through the mental revolution in
the disruptive era (Sholekhah, 2019), there
are five parts of character education